
Stop Fighting Raytheon’s Wars

Stop Fighting Raytheon’s Wars

In a letter to the editor, Inna Patrick of Boise, Idaho writes that the continuation of the AUMFs only benefit the military-industrial complex while harming the interests of regular Americans.

Inna Patrick

Joe Biden Plans To Stay in Iraq Indefinitely

Joe Biden Plans To Stay in Iraq Indefinitely

Recent statements given by administration officials indicate that the United States is planning to maintain a military occupation of Iraq for decades, if not indefinitely. This continuation of war is illegal, costly, and harmful to the security of the American people.

Bonnie Kristian

Afghanistan Will Never Be ‘Stable’

Afghanistan Will Never Be ‘Stable’

Rejecting the fantasies of people like Madeleine Albright, National Review's Michael Brendan Dougherty makes clear that the pursuit of permanent "stability" in Afghanistan is an excuse for endless war.

Michael Brendan Dougherty

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