The Ten Seven Club is dedicated to the date that America was cast into a perpetual and endless state of war in Afghanistan (10/7/2001) by a self-castrated political body…The United States Congress. Our mission is to unite Veterans of the Global War on Terror and their civilian allies who are dedicated to ending American involvement in our endless wars in the Middle East and bringing our troops home.

-Dan McKnight, Chairman

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When you become a monthly Defender at the Ten Seven Club you will receive a Bring Our Troops Home badge and receive two entries, for each month you are a supporter, into our giveaways.



When you become a monthly Patriot at the Ten Seven Club you will receive a Bring Our Troops Home badge and receive five entries, for each month you are a Patriot, into our giveaways.  Plus for every month you are a Patriot you sponsor a leadership student! 



On October 7, 2001, a U.S. led coalition begins attacks on Taliban-controlled Afghanistan with an intense bombing campaign by American and British forces. A few days later, U.S. Special Forces troops were provided to assist the anti-Taliban Northern Alliance rebels. The invasion of Afghanistan was the opening salvo in the United States “Global War on Terror” and a response to the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks on New York and Washington, D.C.

The bombing, the invasion, and the 20 year war were never properly declared by the United States Congress. Due to this abdication of responsibility and power by both Republicans and Democrats in Congress, the Executive Branch has been given a blank check for any length of time, for any amount of money, for any location on earth, that he or she deems a terrorist threat to the United States.

Our Constitution is clear in matters of war…Congress has the enumerated power to Declare War…and Congress ONLY!

The Ten Seven Club is dedicated to the date that America was cast into a perpetual and endless state of war by a self-castrated political body…The United States Congress. Our mission is to unite Veterans of the Global War on Terror and their civilian allies who are dedicated to ending American involvement in our endless wars in the Middle East and bringing our troops home.

We insist that the Constitution of the United States be respected and enforced, requiring a formal declare of war by Congress before U.S. military forces are deployed into combat overseas. And we are committed to returning to a foreign policy befitting a limited government republic, on that puts “America First.”

To achieve these goals, BringOurTroopsHome.US will create a grassroots organization through the Ten Seven Club and utilize public education, political action, and legislation, including “Defend The Guard” legislation in state houses across the country.

Put America First!

Bring Our Troops Home

BringOurTroopsHome.US is dedicated to ending American involvement in endless wars in the Middle East and bringing our troops home. Further, we are committed to advocating for a change in U.S. foreign policy that does not automatically default to military intervention. And finally, we insist that the Constitution of the United States be respected and enforced, requiring a formal Declaration of War by Congress — as mandated by Article I of the Constitution — before U.S. military forces may be legitimately deployed.

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