"The American people have constantly been lied to."

John Sopko, Director, Office of the Special Inspector General on Afghanistan Reconstruction (SIGAR) The Hill, Washington, D.C., December 9, 2019
Support Our Troops


“The remnant are Americans who still believe in our country’s founding principles of liberty, federalism, and non-interventionism. By joining you are locking arms with other patriots who seek to resurrect Article I, Section 8 of the U.S. Constitution, end American involvement in endless wars and finally bring our troops home.”

– Dan McKnight, Chairman


“You’ve got the power in Charleston [West Virginia] to say, ‘We will not permit our national guard to be federalized unless there’s a declaration of war.' They owe it to their citizens and their constituents to take care of them and protect them from things like that. And I would have their ass if they didn’t.”

Brig. Gen. John "Doc" Bahnsen

Decorated Vietnam War Hero

"We've heard so much about—for the last 40 years—support the troops. In those 40 years the way to support the troops was to bring them home from the war they were fighting and should not have been fighting. You've brought to my attention recently...a group called BringOurTroopsHome.US. Sounds very good to me."

Daniel Ellsberg

Pentagon Papers Whistleblower

Put America First!

Bring Our Troops Home

BringOurTroopsHome.US is dedicated to ending American involvement in endless wars in the Middle East and bringing our troops home. Further, we are committed to advocating for a change in U.S. foreign policy that does not automatically default to military intervention. And finally, we insist that the Constitution of the United States be respected and enforced, requiring a formal Declaration of War by Congress — as mandated by Article I of the Constitution — before U.S. military forces may be legitimately deployed.

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If you support our troops…

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